Trending Vacation Ideas For 2021

Post pandemic, everyone is taking a big breath. Even though offices are becoming obsolete, the hustle and bustle of working from home can lead to burnout. While resistance may seem futile, we all still need a little downtime. Thankfully traveling restrictions are lifting and so are our spirits with some new options for vacations.  However, we all…

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PYP Interview: 2020 PYP Scholarship Winner Katie Winter

Pittsburgh Young Professional’s (PYP) Public Relations Committee recently sat down with Katie Winter, the 2020 PYP scholarship winner to discuss how our scholarship has helped her accomplish her goals and shaped her future. Katie Winters has a dual undergraduate degree from Carlow University in accounting and art, with a concentration in art history. She then…

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How To Smoothly Transition Back To The Office

The past 12 months have brought a whirlwind of changes. 2020 was a year of new rules, new situations, and new normals. Likewise, 2021 is a year of slow, but steady transitioning back to our lives pre-March 2020 and the “new normal”. Some of us are transitioning back to work in the office, whether we…

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4 Tips For Paying Down Student Debt

If you’re very invested in achieving a higher education, but may not have the financial backing to support that in the given moment, student loans can be very beneficial. For those of us that have student debt, we know that although it can help us achieve our goals, in the end, you still have to…

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